by: Albert L. Valente, D.O.

About this time of year we start to be bombarded hearing repeated thoughts such as, “I’m so stressed”, “I have so much to do”, “I don’t know how I’ll get it done”, ”I don’t know what to do”, etc, etc, etc. Well, let’s try to briefly break this down and hopefully empower you not to be one of these people.

First, stay in control. Think empowering motivating thoughts and block the negative. Understand that although the mind is very complex it will start to believe what you, and others, repeatedly tell it – whether it is correct or not. So, rather than feed into your brain negative ‘disempowering’ and often overwhelming thoughts as cited above, try more empowering thoughts such as, “Although I am very busy I will get it done, and will try to enjoy the process”.

Second, stay focused. Accept that this is a busy time of year and there are many things to do. Don’t fight it. By accepting it you can work with it. Break down what you have to do into smaller tasks. This is to help you stay focused and not get overwhelmed. When at work, focus on your work. When out of work, focus on your family or home issues. This will help you not only feel more in control, it will make each task more successful and probably completed faster. Too many people spend their time at work thinking about their family or home responsibilities, and then they spend their family or free time feeling tormented about what they forgot to do at work.

Third, stay positive. Draw upon your successes. Realize that you are busy all year and deal with stress every day. Partly what makes your stress seem worse may not be you at all; but, all those around you with negative and disempowering thoughts. Don’t let this pollute your thoughts, and don’t get wrapped up in everyone else’s drama. This is more than just keeping a positive attitude though. A positive attitude alone does not get anything done in and of itself. You need to take ‘positive actions’, be in control of the things that you can control. Which is ironically more than most people realize. Stay connected to positive and successful people, these is always motivating; and remind yourself that you have had many successes throughout the year and your life. You have also successfully dealt with many other stressors. Reflect on your past successes (big or small) and feel good about them. This is very empowering and energizing process.

Finally, stay fit. Don’t stop the healthy and good things that you have been working on. It’s often during times of stress that we stop doing the things that keep us energized and feeling good about ourselves. We go to bed late, eat poorly and stop exercising. Actually, it is during these times that we need to pay particular attention to the basics; eat right, sleep well and maintain your fitness. This gives you the foundation to remain healthy, feel energized and empowered; which is exactly what’s needed during times of increased stress.

Hopefully, these thoughts and suggestions will help you. Believe in yourself. – Dr V

CategoryDr. V's Tips

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